FIT 4th Semester Student Fashion Show: 1998 Spring

Fashion Design (School of Art and Design)


FIT 4th Semester Student Fashion Show: 1998 Spring
Contributor Names
Fashion Institute of Technology (New York, N.Y.). Fashion Design Department
Adelson, Carol
Steiner, Stuart
Summer, Nancy
Marshall, Joellen
Velez, Herbie
Ketch, Kimberly
Jarick, Heike
Lee, Jae Jung
Lupu, Van
Lee, Su Young
Epstein, Gale
Frick, Johanna
Fenoli, Randy
Bressard, Michelle
Samen, George
Samaniego, Patricia
Date Digitized
FIT student fashion show featuring clothing designed by 4th semester F.I.T. students. Remarks by Carol Adelson, Chair, Fashion Design Department; Dr. Stuart Steiner, President of FIT; Critic Nancy Summer and award winner Joellen Marshall; critic Herbie Velez and award winner Kimberly Ketch, critic Heike Jarick and award winner Jae Jung Lee, critic Van Lupu and award winner Su Young Lee, critic Gale Epstein and award winner Johanna Frick, critic Randy Fenoli and award winner Michelle Bressard, critic George Samen and award winner Patricia Samaniego. Designs feature Childrenswear, Current Scene, Sportswear, Knitwear, Intimate Apparel, Design Studio.
Moving Image
Fashion shows
Fashion Institute of Technology (New York, N.Y.). Fashion Design Department
In Copyright
This video was produced by the Fashion Institute of Technology ("FIT") and is the property of FIT. FIT expressly prohibits the copying, displaying, or uploading to a website of any portion of this video, except for the purposes of fair use as defined in the copyright laws, without express written permission from FIT. This video has been made available online by the Fashion Institute of Technology Gladys Marcus Library strictly for research and educational purposes. If you are the copyright holder for content in this video and have any objections to this work being made available online, please notify us immediately at [email protected].
FIT Repository ID: aod_000538


Fashion Design (School of Art and Design)


Vintage Fashion Shows


FIT Student Work
FIT Student Fashion Shows


Fashion Institute of Technology. (1998). FIT 4th Semester Student Fashion Show: 1998 Spring [Video]. Archive on Demand.
Fashion Institute of Technology. "FIT 4th Semester Student Fashion Show: 1998 Spring." Archive on Demand, 1998,
Fashion Institute of Technology, "FIT 4th Semester Student Fashion Show: 1998 Spring," Archive on Demand, 1998, video,