Globally Connected: From Social Distancing to Social Impact

School of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Globally Connected: From Social Distancing to Social Impact
Contributor Names
Deacon Lalotra, Courtney
Daga, Siddhi
Kesarwani, Isha
One of the primary aspects of the concept of 'making an impact' is 'doing measurable good'. It is linked to the fact that there are a growing number of social and environmental challenges that we as society members can, and must, tackle. Courtney Deacon Lalotra, FIT Alumna 2010, International Trade and Marketing shares how her organization, One Life to Love, was able to pioneer COVID relief efforts in migrant communities in India during a nationwide lockdown, and further adapt their already established programs to address the evolving needs pertaining to girls' education, women's health, and children with special needs. Courtney elaborates how One Life to Love envisions to be better prepared for future needs and how everyone can shoulder the responsibility.
Presenter: Courtney Deacon Lalotra is the Founder and President of One Life to Love, an international nonprofit organization based in New Jersey. She is leading social change efforts in India through her work with abandoned special needs children. She is further making a mark in the field of girls education and women's sexual health. Courtney believes empowering women and children ushers in a mindset and generational change necessary for community development.
Respondents: Cultural Fellows Siddhi Daga and Isha Kesarwani
Moving Image
Deacon Lalotra, Courtney
COVID-19 (Disease)
Women's health services
Children with disabilities
Social responsibility of business
In Copyright
This video was produced by the Fashion Institute of Technology ("FIT") and is the property of FIT. FIT expressly prohibits the copying, displaying, or uploading to a website of any portion of this video, except for the purposes of fair use as defined in the copyright laws, without express written permission from FIT. This video has been made available online by the Fashion Institute of Technology Gladys Marcus Library strictly for research and educational purposes. If you are the copyright holder for content in this video and have any objections to this work being made available online, please notify us immediately at [email protected].
FIT Repository ID: aod_000657


School of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Globally Connected


FIT Alumni
Guest Speakers


Fashion Institute of Technology. (2021, March 11). Globally Connected: From Social Distancing to Social Impact [Video]. Archive on Demand.
Fashion Institute of Technology. "Globally Connected: From Social Distancing to Social Impact." Archive on Demand, 11 Mar. 2021,
Fashion Institute of Technology, "Globally Connected: From Social Distancing to Social Impact," Archive on Demand, March 11, 2021, video,