Talking Trade @ FIT: The Way to True Sustainable Cotton Passport

Fashion Business Management, International Trade and Marketing for the Fashion Industries


Talking Trade @ FIT: The Way to True Sustainable Cotton Passport
Contributor Names
Inui, Akiko (Speaker)
Chapman, Sonja (Moderator)
Rae, Trenton (Panelist)
Cantrell, Ann, 1971- (Panelist)
Quan, Vincent G. (Moderator)
Catherine Geib (Speaker)
Join us in discussing U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol’s new program, The Climate Smart Cotton Program, and how the industry has evolved to surpass modern sustainability standards when it comes to supply chain traceability. Our distinguished speaker will cover how to properly certify, legislation that helps to achieve this, and the ability to “claim where the material is actually grown” and scale digital product passport. The session will also include fiber level tracing: types of materials, financially beneficial business negotiations, scalability, and “race to the bottom” to grow price transparency of the supply chain.
Keynote Speaker: Akiko Inui, Chair, Cotton Board
Moderator: Sonja Chapman, Associate Professor, International Trade and Marketing
Distinguished Speaker: Trenton Rae, Americas Membership Lead (consultant), U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol
This event would be meaningful for brands, retailers, and consumers who value fiber identification, Lenzing E branding platform for suppliers, who send fiber and use tech and blockchain technology as it applies to tracing fiber from origin to retail.
Moving Image
Discussions (events)
Climatic changes
Plant fiber industry
Textile fiber industry
Cotton textile industry
Cotton textiles
In Copyright
This video was produced by the Fashion Institute of Technology ("FIT") and is the property of FIT. FIT expressly prohibits the copying, displaying, or uploading to a website of any portion of this video, except for the purposes of fair use as defined in the copyright laws, without express written permission from FIT. This video has been made available online by the Fashion Institute of Technology Gladys Marcus Library strictly for research and educational purposes. If you are the copyright holder for content in this video and have any objections to this work being made available online, please notify us immediately at [email protected].
FIT Repository ID: aod_001104


Jay and Patty Baker School of Business and Technology
Fashion Business Management
International Trade and Marketing for the Fashion Industries


Talking Trade


Guest Speakers


Fashion Institute of Technology. (2024, November 21). Talking Trade @ FIT: The Way to True Sustainable Cotton Passport [Video]. Archive on Demand.
Fashion Institute of Technology. "Talking Trade @ FIT: The Way to True Sustainable Cotton Passport." Archive on Demand, 21 Nov. 2024,
Fashion Institute of Technology, "Talking Trade @ FIT: The Way to True Sustainable Cotton Passport," Archive on Demand, November 21, 2024, video,